Bacillus Bacteria + Kelp & Humic Acid
When applying fertilizers to supply the nutritional needs of the plants, not all the nutrients remain available in the form that the plant can absorb them. The immobility and inaccessibility of many, for example, phosphorus need the help of microorganisms to be released in an assimilable form for the plant.
BM6 is made up of a select group of Bacillus species designed to increase nutrient availability and enhance a bio-stimulatory effect on the plant. This mixture of Bacillus has phosphorous and potassium solubilizing species, two fundamental components in plant nutrition.​
This beneficial blend of Bacillus bacteria is further enhanced by the addition of kelp and humic acid. Kelp is a powerful bio-activator that provides a food source for many beneficial microbes in native soil. Humic acid is a natural amendment with many beneficial properties that helps neutralize both acidic and alkaline soils, improving nutrient and water uptake.

Benefits of BM6
Helps unlock nutrients in soil
Potassium & Phosphorus solubilizer
Increases plant enzyme production
Increases plant & soil health
Greater tolerance to environmental stresses
Easy to use
Unit Size
2.5 lb / 1 kg
5 lb / 2.27 kg
Total Bacillus Concentration .......... 5.0 x 10^9 CFU*/g
Bacillus amyloliquefaciens .......... 750,000,000 CFU/g
Bacillus licheniformis ................ 1,250,000,000 CFU/g
Bacillus megaterium ..................... 750,000,000 CFU/g
Bacillus pumilus ......................... 1,000,000,000 CFU/g
Bacillus sp. ....................................... 750,000,000 CFU/g
Bacillus subtilis ............................... 500,000,000 CFU/g
*(Colony Forming Units)
97.4% ........................................................ Inert Carrier
2.5% Humic acids derived from Leonardite
Directions and Applications
Application Rate:
Apply 4-8 oz of BM6 per acre. This rate is applicable for both file application and seed treatment.
Application Methods:
BM6 offers versatile application options to suit various stages of plant growth and farming practices. It can be introduced to crops and soil using the following methods:
1. Fertigation and Irrigation Systems: BM6 can be applied through existing fertigation or irrigation setups.
2. Foliar Spray: For direct plant benefits, BM6 can be applied as a foliar spray.
3. Root Dip: Prior to planting, seedlings can be treated with a BM6 solution.
4. Direct Soil Application: For targeted root zone delivery, BM6 can be applied directly to the soil in furrow at the time of planting.
5. Seed Treatment: Coat seeds with BM6 before planting.
Dilution Recommendations:
For optimal effectiveness, it is recommended to dilute BM6 with 10-30 gallons of water per acre.