Classé Bloom 0-0-8
Fruit & Flower Booster
Classé Bloom 0-0-8 is rich in potassium, helping promote more abundant blooms and longer-lasting flowers.
Classé Bloom is easy to use, this liquid fertilizer is designed to boost all types of blooming agricultural plants, grasses, vines, and trees.
Benefits of Classe Bloom 0-0-8
High in Potash
Produces healthier and more vigorous blooms
Accelerates fruit developments
Greater consistency through blooms
Longer lasting flowers

Directions and Applications
Mix 1 gallon of Classé Bloom per acre with a dilution rate of 20+ gallons of water per acre (10 acre block = 10 gallons of Classé Bloom in 200 gallons of water). Mix vigorously and keep the solution in constant agitation as it is applied through drip irrigation or sprinklers. After initial application, apply Classé Bloom as needed at a rate of 0.5 gallons Classé Grow per acre with a dilution rate of 20+ gallons of water per acre.
Root Drench:
Mix 1 oz of Classé Bloom per 2 gallons of water. Apply 1+ gallons of mixed solution around the base of each plant to insure adequate coverage. May be applied through a hose and sump pump or by other methods.